As a graduate of Ryerson University, Class of 2011, Rohan Sharma CPA, CA, has quite a few years of experience in the workforce. However, when a senior role with KPMG LLP presented itself in November 2014, Rohan learned that changing companies can feel just like your first job after graduation.
After an initial phone screening with the recruitment team and an interview with one of the firms Partner’s, Rohan received an offer to join the team at KPMG as a Senior Accountant, Audit, Financial Services. As an experienced hire, he knew there would be a learning curve – but that’s exactly the challenge he was looking for.
Rohan credits his workforce-readiness to Enactus as it provided him with a wide-range of general business “soft-skills” like presentation skills, project management and relationship building, many of which he applies in his role at KPMG. Rohan states, “I was one-step ahead in my career by having developed these general competencies ahead of time. Thanks to Enactus, I was no stranger to hard work, late nights, teamwork, and the ability to manage multiple deadlines and commitments.”
As a senior accountant, Rohan is actively involved with the overall execution and completion of audit engagements, while building relationships with team members and clients. As part of the role, he also mentors staff accountants, interacts with mid-level management and advises on complex financial transactions. “The exposure you get to various accounting and business issues is unparalleled; allowing you to put theory into practice and deliver results for your clients,” Rohan says, “It’s a fast-paced environment where you learn by doing – like Enactus!”
Rohan feels at home in his new role with KPMG and he admires KPMG’s focus on People and Culture. “We are all supported by a culture that encourages us to bring our authentic selves to work. Diversity and inclusivity is championed by our national leadership and the firm encourages and supports giving back to our communities.” Just like his pursuit for excellence in Enactus, Rohan continues to strive for excellence in his work life and in 2015 he was recognized as a KPMG Regional Community Leader and was also recognized for ‘Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion’ for work within the firm and in the community.
When asked to share some advice for current Enactus students, Rohan said the following, “Don’t get hung up on a “traditional” career path. Think about your involvement in Enactus – there’s nothing ordinary about it. Think about your projects and your team, you often need to make adjustments to your plan or adapt to new situations and opportunities. Why should your career be any different? Your experience with Enactus DOES set you apart – the way you think, plan and deliver are transferable skills that can be applied in a number of industries and jobs – be patient with yourself as you begin your path.”