#EnactusCareers Prep Sessions


Register now for an exclusive one-hour virtual conversation with a successful industry professional to gain insight into your resume and LinkedIn profile, while practicing your interview skills through a mock interview.

The #EnactusCareers Prep Sessions will take place on February 6 & 8, 2024 from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM ET. Please ensure you are available on both days as we cannot guarantee your preferred date.

    NOTE: You must be a current Enactus Canada student or alumni in order to participate in these sessions.
  • Accepted file types: pdf.
    Please select all of the times that work for you. NOTE: all times are in Eastern Time (ET).
  • Please indicate your top three disciplines of interest. Use the control (Ctrl) key to select more than one option. The list above is not comprehensive of all disciplines, but merely a reflection of those in which our partner organizations operate. Please note that we cannot guarantee you'll be matched with an industry professional from one of your top categories. However, will do our due diligence to pair you with your best match.
  • Please let us know if you any questions, concerns, comments, or conflicts during the time slot(s) you selected.