Our small but mighty team has grown even mightier! Meet Dominyka Taylor, Enactus Canada’s newest Partnerships Coordinator! In traditional Enactus Canada fashion, we asked Dominyka the hard hitting questions to get to know her better!
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
- This was a tough one to answer ???? I listen to a really wide range of music, BUT if I had to pick one it would be Indecision by Sampha (especially for the piano section since I played for 11 years!)
What’s your go-to comfort TV Show or Movie?
- My current go-to is Modern Family (Manny is my favorite, but I can honestly relate to every character)
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
- “You can’t control the world around you, but you can control how you feel inside. You are the only one who chooses how you perceive the world.” I’ve received a lot of great tidbits over the years, but when I was a yogi-in-training back in New Brunswick, this piece of advice from my former yoga teacher helped calm my anxiety during the Covid pandemic. Overall, I’ve developed more inner peace because of these kind words.
You can only eat one food for the rest of your life, what is it?
- Butter chicken roti all the way!
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
- YES!!!!
Most used app on your phone?
- Spotify (not surprising since I’m always listening to music)
What is your favourite restaurant?
- So far, in Toronto, the best meal I’ve had was at Trattoria Mercatto, but I’m excited to keep exploring and find my absolute favourite!
What is your favourite condiment?
Siracha mayo or as I like to call it, “mayoracha”
Rapid-Fire Questions (Answer all w/ a sentence or less)
Spotify or Apple Music?
- Spotify!! Apple Music sucks
Instagram or Tik Tok?
- I use Instagram more often, so I’ll pick that, but Tik Tok does have some hilarious content
Winter or Summer?
- Summer
Chocolate or Vanilla?
- Chocolate
Coffee or Tea?
- I would not exist without coffee
Space or the Ocean?
- The ocean (I dreamed of being a marine biologist for the longest time!)
Concert or Sports Event?
- Concert
Dogs or Cats?
- Ugh, this is unfair, they’re both SO cute, but dogs… sorry