Enactus has lead me to great opportunities, great experiences, and great people.
Enactus immediately caught my attention during orientation in my first year of university. I waited until second semester to apply, and when I finally did, I was denied a position. I saw this as an opportunity to prove myself.
I improved extensively on my graphic design skills because I saw that it would be an asset to the team. Many late nights were spent designing annual reports and bio sheets for an organization that at the time, I knew little about. My work left a lasting impression on the President, and I was invited to attend that year’s Enactus Canada National Exposition. I guess you could say that this was the defining moment that truly opened my eyes to the organization.
It wasn’t long before I was applying for different positions and trying to get more involved. Even in the beginning of my experience, I soon realized that I loved what I was doing.
I attended my first Enactus World Cup which taught me the power and scale of this organization. Connecting with people from around the world who are doing incredible things to improve the lives of others showed me a different realm of possibility. When you are so closely tied to the projects that you are working on, you sometimes lose sight of the significant impact that you are having on those around you. It was through experiencing such a vast array of stories from around the world that I saw a bigger picture. These connections and experiences with other people is what motivated me to do more.
Three years after my initial start on Enactus Windsor, I am now the Vice-President of Marketing. Through leading many passionate and creative individuals, we are able to raise awareness about all of the wonderful initiatives that our team is undertaking. I’ve been given the opportunity to teach others what I’ve learned; instilling my personal philosophies and ideation to the marketing process. I didn’t learn how to build a great brand from reading a textbook.
Enactus has allowed me to travel the world, learn about myself, meet incredible people and most importantly, learn by doing. I challenge you to find out more – to get involved and truly find your passion. Leave your mark. You can always do more.
Thanks to Scott Sanger, Enactus University of Windsor, for sharing his story. Tell us about your ‘Enactus Beginnings’, by contacting the Enactus Canada Communications Department.