In today’s workplace it is rare that you will find a position that does not require some kind of multitasking.
That said, if anyone is prepared for managing multiple demands, it is Enactus students and alumni.
Keep Calm and Organize
With multiple assignments, conflicting deadlines and expectations from top management things can seem overwhelming. In these situations, organization is the key to maintaining efficient, well-balanced days at work and employers want people who know how to arrange their tasks in a way that keeps order within the workplace.
Maintain your mental health and high productivity by utilizing the planning and organizational skills you acquired on the job with Enactus.
Enactus = Organization Guru
Let’s face it. No one knows more about multiple assignments, conflicting deadlines and high expectations better than Enactus students! Semester after semester, year after year your organization skills are utilized to find the most efficient way to manage your time between studying, running projects, competing at Enactus events, etc.
If you also work during your studies, you are in an even better position to show an employer that you are capable of handling multiple commitments and managing your time strategically.
Drop the “E bomb”
The skills you have gained through your time with Enactus are invaluable. Do not forget to talk about them during an interview and when networking.
You never know. Dropping the ‘E bomb’ could land you your next big opportunity.