by Julienne Weed | Jun 28, 2017
COAST CARDS People Employed Coasters Diverted from Landfills In Revenue [addtoany] Seeing Opportunity The average restaurant discards 300 cardboard drink coasters per night, after just one use, and are being primarily thrown into the garbage. These coasters...
by Julienne Weed | Jun 28, 2017
SQUARE ROOTS POUNDS OF FOOD DISTRIBUTED IN REVENUE TOKENS SOLD [addtoany] Seeing Opportunity Access to safe, healthy food is a basic human right, yet one in eight Canadians struggle to eat every day, and is the primary cause of poverty. Despite this, Canadians...
by Julienne Weed | Jun 28, 2017
PROJECT PURA Entrepreneurs Empowered Water Filters Sold Communities Served [addtoany] Seeing Opportunity In Asyut, Egypt, two of five households do not have access to fresh drinking water, and with an astonishing 80% of Egypt’s annual industrial waste...
by Julienne Weed | Dec 15, 2016
OPTIONS NOVA People Empowered % Reoffended Individuals Found Employment [addtoany] Seeing Opportunity While the Canadian crime rate has steadily declined, the federal prison population is at the highest it’s ever been with 67% of inmates reoffending....
by Julienne Weed | Dec 14, 2016
NOVA DEVELOPMENTS INC. Projected Annual Profit % Rent Subsidy % Reduction in Housing Construction Costs [addtoany] Seeing Opportunity Nunavut is in a state of social crisis. The cost to rent a home exceeds the median income across the territory and one in three...