Jobs Created

Revenue Generated

Projected Pounds of Food
Seeing Opportunity
Food insecurity is a harsh reality for many individuals living in Newfoundland and Labrador. With 90% of Newfoundland and Labrador’s produce being imported, families are often left with poor quality, lack of availability and unaffordable prices. In addition, 18% of youth in the province have trouble securing employment.
Taking Action
With the support of expert botanists and engineers and a partnership with Choices For Youth, Enactus Memorial created Project SucSeed, a food insecurity project that creates jobs for at-risk youth, while increasing access to fresh, affordable produce. The project includes a cooperative of food growing entrepreneurs, a curriculum to teach school-aged children about hydroponic growing and meaningful employment for youth.
Enabling Progress
In less than one year, Enactus Memorial has set up three cooperatives engaging 11 food growing entrepreneurs across Newfoundland and Labrador. In addition, they have secured a contract with a local grocery store in Labrador enabling their entrepreneurs to sell their produce. Hydroponic systems are now growing produce in seven elementary schools, where Enactus Memorial students also teach students about the benefits of hydroponic growing through a three-month curriculum.