The job search process has come a long way from circling classified ads in the newspaper. Today, using a variety of online platforms in the search for your dream job is the norm.
From organizations posting openings on their website and industry specific job boards, to headhunters using social media platforms to seek out new talent, the Internet is easily the top job – and talent – search platform.
With millions and millions of users on sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, if you are looking for a new job you need to be utilizing social media while conducting your job search.
Here are just a few tips for turning ‘social’ media into an effective ‘professional’ platform.
Create a Professional Online Image
Employers want to be sure they have hired the right person. Because of this, recruiters are using everything they can to find as much information as possible about job candidates – including perusing social media platforms. Make sure the image you portray online is one you would feel comfortable having your potential boss see.
Search a Variety of Social Media Platforms
To find great job leads, follow, like and join company and organization groups and pages on various social media sites. Many organizations have a social media presence and advertise job postings on their Facebook page, Twitter account or LinkedIn group.
Follow Industry Job Boards
Every industry has a wide variety of online job boards, which focus on informing their followers about new and exciting opportunities. Search for job boards in your industry and follow your favorites!
These simple tips can be pathways to a new career when you remember that what you do socially, can take you to a whole new level professionally.