Growing North

Growing North

GROWING NORTH Engaged Naujaat Community Members Funds Raised Pounds of Produce Annually [addtoany]   Seeing Opportunity Northern Canadian communities pay four times more than the average Canadian for fresh fruit and vegetables. In addition, with temperatures...


PROJECT SUCSEED Jobs Created Revenue Generated Projected Pounds of Food [addtoany]   Seeing Opportunity Food insecurity is a harsh reality for many individuals living in Newfoundland and Labrador. With 90% of Newfoundland and Labrador’s produce being imported,...


CIGBINS People Employed Revenue Generated Cigarette Butts Recycled [addtoany]   Seeing Opportunity Cigarette butts are the number one most littered item in the world, accounting for 37% of all visible waste. In addition, the cellulose acetate found in cigarettes...

Alex Maclean

ENACTUS COMMUNITY MEMBERS Alex Maclean East Coast Lifestyle Clothing Inc.   Alex Maclean is a true visionary but, first and foremost, he is a proud East Coaster. The combination of these two characteristics has resulted in the development of a multi-million...
Chantelle Buffie

Chantelle Buffie

ENACTUS COMMUNITY MEMBERS CHANTELLE BUFFIE Enactus Simon Fraser University Alumna   Chantelle can best be described as an individual with a heart for social change and head for business. Completing her BBA at Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business,...