by Julienne Weed | Oct 13, 2016
GROWING NORTH Engaged Naujaat Community Members Funds Raised Pounds of Produce Annually [addtoany] Seeing Opportunity Northern Canadian communities pay four times more than the average Canadian for fresh fruit and vegetables. In addition, with temperatures...
by Julienne Weed | Oct 13, 2016
PROJECT SUCSEED Jobs Created Revenue Generated Projected Pounds of Food [addtoany] Seeing Opportunity Food insecurity is a harsh reality for many individuals living in Newfoundland and Labrador. With 90% of Newfoundland and Labrador’s produce being imported,...
by Julienne Weed | Sep 24, 2015
CIGBINS People Employed Revenue Generated Cigarette Butts Recycled [addtoany] Seeing Opportunity Cigarette butts are the number one most littered item in the world, accounting for 37% of all visible waste. In addition, the cellulose acetate found in cigarettes...