Written by Samantha Aiello, Talent Acquisition Specialist, Loblaw Companies LimitedLoblaw Image 1

Making successful connections doesn’t always have to be a hard thing to do and there are many tools available that can help make it easier.  The best part is you’re not alone and networking is both an art and a science at which few of us are born naturals.  Some of best places to start building connections is from people within your personal life, previous or current employment, academic studies and professional organizations.  It’s not always about what you know, but who you know!

Let’s look at a few ways to help network successfully.

  1. Plan it out

Think about where you want to be in the future. What do you need to have or do to get there? Once you have figured that out, make a list of your top skills, strengths and talents. Knowing what you have to offer beforehand will save you from having to think on the spot if asked during conversation.

  1. Be Professional

How up-to-date is your LinkedIn account? Take advantage of free online networking tools like LinkedIn to make connections.  Keep your profile detailed and use a professional picture. Be active and join relevant groups to connect within your industry.

You can also take it another step and publish posts to draw even more people to you. Remember that professional recruiters use LinkedIn every day to search for people just like you. The most complete and unique profiles are the ones that stand out the most.

  1. Attend Networking Events

Now that you’re prepared, research local networking events and put a personal calendar together so you know what is coming up. Enactus is a great starting point to build your networks and leverage the different contacts at some of the top companies in Canada.

Not all connections will lead to jobs, but don’t get discouraged.  Your intent is always to build relationships first and that takes time.

Keep your networks fresh and make a positive and lasting impression with the people you’re meeting personally and virtually. And maybe of course, find a new job.

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