In the Community
Go Brand Yourself!
Social media platforms are a great way to connect with others and share information. They are also a great way to boost your career if you utilize them to create a personal brand. When joining social networking sites and creating user profiles, be sure to use your...
What is the Impact of Your Project?
As you manage and evaluate the performance of your team, one of the key indicators is project impact. Did your team's project improve the quality of life and standard of living of project beneficiaries? How? By how much? Indeed, these are the questions that Enactus...
Organize Yourself Into Your Next Job
In today’s workplace it is rare that you will find a position that does not require some kind of multitasking. That said, if anyone is prepared for managing multiple demands, it is Enactus students and alumni. Keep Calm and Organize With multiple assignments,...
Get Your School Excited About Enactus
A sustainable team requires strong administrative support from its academic institution. Having the backing of your school's administration supports the health of the current team but also ensures the sustainability of Enactus on your campus for years to come. How can...
How Are You Managing Your Career?
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” We have all heard this question in an interview. What employers are really asking when they pose this question is 'how are you managing your career?' Career management may not be in listed as a qualification in the...
How Do We Develop Great Enactus Student Leaders?
Steve Jobs had two rules for success: love what you do and build a great team around you. Love what you do. Check. We’re Enactus after all. We’re creating a better, more sustainable world. The next step is building a strong and engaged Enactus team on every campus by...